Approach: We hone the points that advance your business.
The world is messy and tangled– tech, culture, policy and social impact increasingly collide. Needle will help you make sense of it all.
Find the thread
Needle weaves our clients into stories that clearly show how their products, services, companies, and campaigns impact the people they want to reach.
The Needle Way
Thread the needle
We understand what’s going on in the world and how these issues intersect.
Rock the basics
Funding announcements? Product launches? Op-eds? Copy? We’ve got you more than covered.
Embrace the new + next
We try new avenues for communications; be it tech platforms, immersive or virtual experiences, in-person events or sponsorships.
Clients benefit from tailored programs designed to fit their stage and goals.
Communications Strategy
Competitive analysis
Dive into your industry to identify who your competitors are, what they are saying, what others are saying about them, and how you can stand out.
Messaging + positioning
Distill what you do, who you are, and what you stand for, in a way that breaks through the noise.
Long-term strategic planning
Map out where you want to be in six months to a year and how to get there. Break down big, long-term goals into digestible, trackable parts.
Announcement strategy + execution
Identify what is newsworthy or create news through your company’s data, special events or by leveraging trends.
Media Relations
Earned media
Secure media attention and ultimately coverage. Build real relationships with key media and position you as a trusted, reliable source.
Media spokesperson training
Get ready for prime time. We distill your messaging into talking points and make every interview impactful.
Trend spotting, newsjacking + data storytelling
Place you into the conversations that matter. We get creative, pay close attention to trends and news, and mine your data to develop storylines backed with numbers.
Program management
Keep the PR machine well-tuned and oiled. We keep the gears turning at all times, even in the lulls, and continue to advocate for you.
Content Development
Thought Leadership
Establish your spokesperson as an industry expert with a unique point of view. We develop a cadence of thought leadership pieces that builds your reputation over time.
Direct mail + digital copywriting
Connect directly with your audiences and motivate them. We’re experts at finding that authentic voice and inspiring action.
Opinion-editorial writing
Articulate and defend an opinion. We’ll help you take a stance on an issue, explain why it matters, and how it impacts others.
Speech writing
Translate your thoughts into the right words. We understand the nuances of spoken language: a speech needs to command attention, convey emotion, and connect with audiences in a visceral way.
Speaking + Awards submissions
Find and vet opportunities, and submit applications for speaking opps and awards that boost industry recognition.
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